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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

DJ Primo Last Update For 2009

I hope and pray you had a great turkey day. As my wife says "Thanksgiving is daily for us"

Just to give you a quick update on what's going on in my life, ministry and other things.

2009 has been a great year, this is actually a year I was a full civilian. Let me explain, back in 2008 and 2007 I was gone most of the time due to my military service. 2010 looks like is going to be a short year for me as a civilian. I'm in the Army reserve and I'm getting ready to go overseas for next year. 2010 I'm going to be very busy with my duties as a soldier and as a family man.

You probably won't hear much of "DJ Primo" mixes or anything music and video related. I'm going to be spending time with my family and only doing music and video related thing as a service to those that inquire for it. I still have a good load of videos and 1 final December Mixtape I'm going to be making available to the individuals in my "Mix Club", but after that no more mixtapes or videos will available to the general public. My focus will be a bit more on those that are part of the "MIX CLUB" who have been very supportive financially with donations and subscription payments. I'm also going to be cancelling my podcast on iTunes.
This year alone I had over 88,000 downloads and for that I thank GOD, but I think is time for me to cancel it and make the mixes available only to those that are in the mix club.

May you have a great Christmas and a happy new year for this will also be my last email for this year.

I ask that you keep me and my family lifted as for this is going to be my 3rd deployment in support of the war on terror.

God bless you and Keep looking to Jesus!

-DJ Primo

About Me

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Houston, TX, United States
Carlos Avila “DJ Primo” has been behind the turntables since 2003. Known for his “chopped and screwed” remixes Primo can manipulate the turntables and mix a wide variety of genres. DJ Primo currently resides in Houston, TX. With over 11 years of service in the US Army he has deployed to Iraq 2003-2004, Afghanistan 2007-2008 and Kuwait 2010-2011 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and New Dawn. When not training with the US Army reserves or spending time with his family, you can find him spinning music and videos at Hip Hop Hope Tuesdays every week in 5th Ward (Houston, TX), doing urban outreaches, feeding the homeless, doing prison ministry or simply being a light in his workplace.